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  • 809/810-The Landmark, Plot 26A, Sector 7, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai-410210



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Master the Real Estate Industry with

The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA) MAHARASHTRA

The introduction of RERA in India marked a monumental shift in the real estate domain, though its complexities often pose challenges. We are thrilled to present a groundbreaking guide that explores the significant impact of RERA on India’s property market.

In this illuminating work, “The Essence of RERA,” renowned real estate connoisseur Shantanu Kuchya joins forces with the eminent legal mind, Parth Chande. Together, they delve into a detailed exploration of this pivotal legislation. This publication is an indispensable resource for individuals, developers, and agents seeking to adeptly navigate the post-RERA landscape of real estate development and property acquisition, offering vital knowledge to thrive in the newly evolved Indian real estate milieu.

Our Achievements

Why Rera Easy?

Efficient RERA Registration & Total Compliance Mastery

Revel in the simplicity of our complete MAHARERA registration process, supported by an impressive history of over 3,000 successful project registrations and more than 10,000+ QPR submissions. We offer swift, dependable certifications and thorough compliance management, setting the gold standard in RERA services.

Unmatched Expertise in
RERA Advisory

Steer through RERA’s intricacies with unmatched confidence. Our expert consultants in MAHARASHTRA provide bespoke, top-tier advice, ensuring your project thrives from inception to completion under the guidance of industry veterans.

Simplified, Comprehensive
RERA Oversight

Leave your RERA responsibilities in our capable hands and redirect your focus to your business’s growth. Our team pledges a smooth, worry-free approach to RERA management, covering every minute detail from strategy to implementation, ensuring effortless compliance at every turn.

Our Clientele

Mumbai Region

Navi Mumbai Region

Thane Region

Pune Region

Other Cities


Trusted by industry leaders